Find and promote events not yet listed in the calendar
Here you can find an overview about venues with frequent or sporadic concerts in Bluegrass, Oldtime or related musical styles. Visit venue sites (listed here or not), identify events and submit them to the Commiunity Calendar:
- scroll and zoom to your area of interest
- click on a blue marker to display the name of the venue
- click on that name to open a new window with a respective Google Maps view
- in the new window you will find more information, a possibility to calculate your route to the venue, and mostly also a direct link to the venue
- in the venue´s website you may find more interesting events
- inform your friends!
- go there!
This list does not claim any completeness, namely large venues as town halls or festival sites are not contained, but rather musical pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants with live music. This overview is merely driven by the event submissions of the calendar and revised sporadically. You are welcome to remind the webmaster of new such locations to be added.
Here an example on how to identify and self-promote your favoutite event: Midnight Skyracer in the Rattlesnake Saloon – if you had known that … wouldn´t you have joined?
- map
- venue
- program
- concert